For us to execute the project as envisioned, we need a willing governmental agency to work with BLM for a Recreation Public Purpose Lease.  Although stalled, it’s still an important reach of the river for restoration.  Projects often go through years of phases and iterations, we look forward to the next phase of this one. 

Click here to download a full informational packet including current restoration maps and designs

Our Vision 

sunpeak1The proposed Sun Peak Preserve project is a transformative river restoration project. The section of the Big Wood River between the BLM’s Lake Creek Trailhead and the BLM’s Sun Peak Day-use area is one of the most unstable reaches of the whole river. If we do nothing, the river will continue to degrade, harming habitat for fish and other wildlife, exacerbating flooding downstream, and filling in the Hulen Meadows Pond. But together, we can reconnect the river to its floodplain, repair old damage, and restore the pond in a way that can bring the wonder of nature to all members of our community – regardless of physical ability or walk of life.

Letters of Support for the Project

We would like to thank the following community members and groups for their support of this project.

Project Timeline

How We Got Here: For an overview of how we got to where we are, the timeline below recaps all of the work we've done on this project from 2017-now.

Read an open letter to the residents of the Hulen Meadows Subdivision that describes how we got to where we are today.

Sun Peak Preserve FAQ’s

The most effective approach to river restoration is to restore and enhance habitat at a reach-wide scale. The Hulen Meadows reach of the Big Wood River was determined to be one of the most degraded reaches of the river in the 2016 river-wide assessment done by Biota. Because such a large portion of this reach is public land owned by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the proposed Sun Peak Preserve project provides a unique opportunity to enhance the River on a reach-wide scale.

The habitat restoration will enhance floodplain and riparian habitat for fish and wildlife, decrease bank erosion, and provide diverse instream habitat for fish. All of these components will reduce sediment depositing just upstream from the City of Ketchum and thereby will reduce flooding impacts to downstream residents. In 2017, residents from the Hulen Meadows neighborhood asked the Land Trust if there was a way to also restore the man-made Hulen Meadows Pond in the process.

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